General Information

  • What are the dates for the 2024 Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event?

    The 2025 Event dates are April 24 through April 27, 2024

  • Where is the K3DE held?

    Kentucky Horse Park: 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY 40511. Please note that if you have general public parking, you will be directed to another lot away from this address. Please follow the directional signage when you get close to the Kentucky Horse Park.

  • How do I livestream the event?

    The competition will be available to watch via the USEF Network.

  • What options are there for disabled services and seating?

    Special parking, seating, and on-site transportation is available. Please contact the box office for more information. Row N of the lower tier of the Park Grandstand is wheelchair accessible, accommodates wheelchairs, and has room for chair seating (provided) adjacent to the wheelchair insets for an accompanying person. This area is expressly designated as and reserved for Disabled Seating (purchase of seating required – see the Ticket Order Form).

  • What is the dog policy?

    While dogs are welcome at the Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event, they must be kept on a leash and, with the exception of certified guide or assistance dogs, are not permitted in any of the tented hospitality areas, or in any Grandstand.

    Doggie Daycare is $12 per hour with a maximum of $50 per day. All proceeds benefit the Lexington Humane Society. There will be no special parking concessions for vehicles containing dogs, and distressed dogs will be removed from vehicles, by whatever means necessary, by Animal Control and/or Event Security.

  • Is this event family-friendly?

    Yes, the Kentucky Three-Day Event is a family-friendly environment with many things for kids to enjoy. Plus, kids 12 and under can receive free Grounds Admission with an adult ticket purchase.

  • What are the parking options?

    Parking is included with the tickets purchased. No General Parking Passes will be distributed and are not necessary to enter the general parking lot. Spectator shuttles will be available throughout the Event.

  • Can I bring a scooter, golf cart, or other motorized vehicle?

    No. Golf Carts, ATVs, motorcycles, mopeds, electric bicycles, segways or any motorized vehicle may NOT be brought onto the Horse Park nor are they available for rent.

  • When should I book a hotel/motel?

    Due to Spring Thoroughbred racing and conventions, reservations should be made immediately.

    For information on the Lexington area, please visit Visitors Information or contact the Lexington Convention & Visitors Bureau at 1.800.848.1224 or on the Internet at

  • How do I book a reservation at the Kentucky Horse Park Campground?

    For reservations at the Kentucky Horse Park Campground, go to Reserve America or call 1.888.459.7275.


  • What tickets should I purchase to view Dressage?

    Both a ground admission ticket and a reserved stadium seat are needed to view Dressage in Rolex Stadium on Thursday and Friday.

  • What tickets should I purchase to view Stadium Jumping?

    Both a ground admission ticket and a reserved stadium seat are needed to view Stadium Jumping in Rolex Stadium on Sunday.

  • What tickets should I purchase to view Cross-Country?

    A ground admission ticket is the only ticket needed to view the Cross-Country Event on the Kentucky Horse Park grounds on Saturday.

  • What tickets should I purchase if I’d like to enter a Hospitality Tent?

    Tickets to the Five Star Club (formerly the Patron Plus Club), Lexington Club, the Start Box Club, and the Kentucky Club include ground admission to the Kentucky Horse Park and admission to the designated hospitality tent.

  • What tickets should I buy to view the Kentucky International CSI5*?

    New for 2025, you can experience the KY International 5* from the Lexington Club or the Start Box Club. Additionally, you can view the event with a KY Invitational 5* Reserved Seat ticket.

  • Do I need to print my tickets at home?

    If you’ve selected to print your tickets at home, they will be available to print on about six weeks before the event. Our ticketing partner, Etix, will send an email to the address on the original Etix’s order with a link to the print-at-home page. 

    If the ticket email is opened on your phone, you will be given the option to download the tickets to your phone. You can scan your phone at the event. You can also take a picture of any ticket with a barcode and it can be scanned at the gates

  • When will I receive mailed tickets and parking passes?

    If you’ve selected to have your tickets mailed to you, such as hospitality tickets with parking passes, tailgating passes, and/or preferred parking passes, they will be mailed in March.

  • Where do I pick up WillCall Tickets?

    WillCall tickets will be available for pick up near the Kentucky Horse Park. The specific location is to be announced in February 2024. 

    Delivery address not in the USA? Ticket delivery will be converted to WillCall to be picked up near the Kentucky Horse Park. The specific location is to be announced in February 2024?

  • Do you offer refunds?

    No refunds or duplicates will be issued. This includes any lost, forgotten, unused or surplus parking passes, admission or hospitality tickets.

  • The defender is the official luxury vehicle of the kentucky three-day event

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