Vanessa was born in St. Louis, MO but grew up in Georgetown, KY. After completing three years at the University of Kentucky, she moved to St. Louis to finish her BA in Business at Lindenwood University. While living outside Kentucky for nearly 20 years, she worked as an accountant, horse trainer and coach. She returned every year to volunteer for her mother, who was the Chief steward of horse inspection. She started as a volunteer when she was a member of the Keeneland Pony Club in 1984 and groomed for a rider in 1985. In 2008 Vanessa moved back to the area, and Janie Atkinson asked her to come in and help with the event – she never left.
Vanessa assumed the director of ticketing role in 2010 and moved to sponsorship in 2012. She has quite a bit of knowledge and history of the event. She currently serves as the Senior Director of Competition. She has been in this role since May of 2013, and it includes oversight of all aspects of competition for all events we run and that of associated contractors, volunteers and other areas.
Vanessa tries to give back to the sport by volunteering and supporting other local events as much as her schedule allows. She has been an eventer most of her life and still owns two horses, Rooster and Schoo. She and her husband, Anthony, love to travel and spend time with their daughter, Alexa.